“You can change the world.”
Operation International Impact was established in 2006 as a nondenominational
mission serving national pastors around the world. OII is currently working with pastors in Kenya, India, Pakistan, Nepal,
Haiti, Nigeria, The Philippines and the USA.
Operation International Impact serves national pastors with:
Bible teaching and training
Operation Timothy Discipleship Program
Thru The Bible Radio Network Program
Bibles in national Languages
International Orphans Program
Other projects as needed by local pastors.
Operation International Impact serves pastors in the USA with:
OII Micro Missions Program
Designed to help individuals, small groups and businesses reach out and make a
difference in their world.
OII Church Missions Program
Designed to help churches setup and run an effective missions program, reaching
their city, their state and the world.
OII Teen Outreach Program
Designed to help teens to grow through Bible based discipleship
program and to give them effective tools to reach out to their friends, their city and the world.
OII Church Growth Program
Designed to help churches to integrate effective discipleship
and life changing missions programs both locally and internationally to produce church growth.
OII Sponsorship Programs
USA church partnered with overseas church.
USA pastor partnered with overseas pastor.
Orphan Sponsorship Program