The following is my plan and testimony too. As I'm going to
turn 20 this year I figure I need to do something great with my life that is why I want to start online services which
will be on yahoo, planning on having a outreach group at my church which is First Baptist Church of Rockland and
a coffee house that is also in my plans for the future. My name
is David Douglas Mills from Rockland, Maine. I’m writing this because I feel that this
world needs to be set on fire for the Lord. I feel that this world is going down the wrong road that was not planed by our
Lord above. You ask what is wrong with this world. I tell you what’s wrong with this world people in some countries
the people are not grateful for the things they have and what God gave them to enjoy. There are some countries like Africa that has nothing in life but let they are
grateful for what they do have in life. I feel that we need to be more on fire for the Lord for he made us even before we
were born. This world is at the point that everyone is turning against each other for who knows why. We need to put our difference
aside and work together in taking caring of each other. Do we want to be left behind when the great day that God will come
down and say you guys it is time to leave this world beside? You need to ask yourself are you ready to be face to face with
him? Life on earth is really short we are like aliens visiting an other planet for a little time that we have. We need to
help each other? We need to care for the lost? We need to help the falling? We need to help the sick? We need to ask ourselves
are we making the most of the time that we have on earth or are we wasting it? We need to be together hand and hand in the
love of our Lord for he died on the cross for our sins that we may live a life to glorify him. Life is really hard and I feel
like giving up sometimes because it is too hard. Life is made hard because everything is a test from him to see how well we
do with these problems he makes us face in life. We need to make the most of what we have on earth because someday it could
be gone. Let me feel you in on my life. My life has been really hard and I felt like giving up. When I was little I did not
talk until I was 6 years old at that time I was in kindergarten two times. You know why they kept me back is that I really
did not get the help I needed so they kept me back. When I was going thru grade school the kids really didn’t like me,
I had problem with smelling, I had hard time fitting in with the most liked kids of grade school. At that time in grade school
I felt alone, lost, worried about the other kids at my grade school. Also at that time I wet the bed a lot and that made me
sad I mean really sad why I am going thru this. To note at that time I was not saved until I was in third grade. My parents
was raised loving the Lord but back then in grade school I really did not act like a Christian at that time in grade school
I was going thru hurting people that I did not mean too. When I was in 5th grade I was still an outcast a loser
if you will. I did not have many friends, I was alone and why me that I was an outcast. Also in 5th grade I still
had little problems with smelling and that hurt me really bad that I was going thru this and no one else was. In 5th
grade and earlier in my health I had problems with passing out and handle a big amount of people. That went on all of my early
childhood. You know I felt sad that I was going thru this and the fact that no one cared about me in grade school but my parents,
they have been there the whole time. In 5th grade I was told that I needed to go down to Maine Medical in Portland right away. At that time I did
not know what was going on. I was told that I had a major heart problem. I felt even more scared about what does this mean
and I asked myself why me why not someone else. My life from 5th grade on I still had the heart problem but I started
to feel better because I had the Lord on my side and I know that God would bring me thru this hard time. My schooling from
6th grade onto 8th grade I was home schooled, A lot of people were making fun of me I could not handle
it and also I was not told the stuff I needed in school. When I was home schooled I felt alive, why you ask? I was not getting
picked on everyday that I was in school and I was told the things I needed in life. But I still didn’t get all the stuff
I needed that is when I get into high school. High school the last leg of school and it should be fun and enjoy it? Let me
tell you my high school years was as bad as grade school I was still picked on were kept in special Ed after fighting the
system to be allowed to be in mainstream classes and I acted stupid in high school really bad. The only fun high school year
I had was my senior year because I was not always being picked on and when I graduated that was the best time in my life.
The other thing is that my life was faced with not having much money and my parent always fighting about the money and what
are we going to eat. Now I’m out of high school, I’m thinking about the future that I have with my Lord which
I love so much. I need to say my Lord as been with me the whole time in my life in great times and the worst of times. My
life is planted and focused on the Lord and serving him. My life now is all about helping people, be there, support them,
someone to talk too, to call them, seeing them and also help them make their life plans. My goal now is to impact peoples
lives for the LORD Above. I know I wrote on top of the paper A Plan for A POWERFUL WORLDWIDE MISSION CONFERENCE. That is what
my need is to do now is to impact people’s lives all over the world. Ok this is time to state what this conference will
be about? The conference will have missionaries from all over the world, prayer time, time for testimonies, and talk about
the world issues we face in this day of age. I want this conference to have a big effort in people’s lives all over
the world. The reason for this conference is to wake people up and have them leave crying and changed lives. This conference
plan will need support, prayer and a lot of feedback on this important thing I want to put on.